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You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our delicious Billie Green products and a sustainable vegan lifestyle here.

Frequently Asked Questions


According to the 2022 BMEL Nutrition Report, 7% of Germans polled eat a vegetarian and 1% a vegan diet.

Source: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. 2022 Nutrition Report. Accessed 7/21/22 at


The number of flexitarians continues to rise. 44% of Germans polled state that they eat a flexitarian diet, which means that they make a conscious decision to moderate their intake of animal products and largely do without them.

Source: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. 2022 Nutrition Report. Accessed 7/21/22 at


In principle, food supplements are an essential part of the vegan diet, because today’s methods for the production and processing of vegan staple foods are not yet sufficiently adapted to the needs of the vegan diet.

Source: Rittenau, R., Winters, E. et al. (2021). Vegan ist Unsinn! (S. 245). Hilden: Becker Joest Volk Verlag

While the vegetarian diet still allows animal products such as milk, eggs, and honey, vegans abstain from eating all animal products. Vegans also tend to look for alternatives to animal-based commodities such as leather, wool, and some cosmetics.

Source: oliocarli. Welche Unterschiede bestehen zwischen der vegetarischen und der veganen Küche? Accessed 7/18/22 at


The first thing you need to do is learn everything you can about the vegan diet. Then you can start gradually cutting out animal foods. You can replace them with suitable alternatives such as tofu, soy yogurt, and oat milk, to name but a few. See what works for you, find your new favorites, and don’t forget to eat a lot of veggies and fruits!

Source: Enderstein, B. (1/2/2022). Vegane Ernährung für Anfänger: So gelingt der Einstieg. Accessed 7/18/22 at



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